Jul 31, 2024
🚨 New Podcast!!
When we are raising spirit-led children, one of the key tools we need to use is to speak into their spirit. There is such a thing indeed. This can be done officially but also daily and unofficially. Our words are powerful. Here are four ways to do this.
Jul 30, 2024
🚨 New Podcast!!
Speaking into the life of an individual is a powerful thing. It is
part of raising spirit-led children, to speak directly into their
spirit regardless of what they face at the moment. One facet of
that is encouragement. It is a powerful tool we can use. Listen to
Jul 29, 2024
🚨 New Podcast!!
Parenting and raising children are a deeply spiritual facets of life. At times it is very easy to get bogged down with the here and now and forget to have perception of who the children are in the spirit and who they are supposed to be. Perception is critical to this. Listen to this.
Jul 28, 2024
🚨 New Podcast!!
What's in a name? A name can mean nothing but a person or an entity can give it meaning by the actions they take. Still a name can mean so much and become prophecy to the person given it. Think of Usain "Bolt", for instance. What comes to your mind when naming a child? Listen to this.
Jul 27, 2024
🚨 New Podcast!!
If we knew how powerful words are, especially spoken directly to a child by a person in authority, we would choose those words ever so carefully. We won't be lazy with our speeches, hasty in lashing out and slow in affirmation. The unfortunate thing about words is that they can destroy too. Listen to...