Feb 29, 2020
In a highly digitized world, it is those analogue things that at times give us a reprieve.
Orginal conversations and relationships devoid of gadgets can
help us a great deal to recover our sensibilities, our
sensitivities and our body gets refreshed.
When is the last time you had a deep conversation with
Feb 28, 2020
If we are going to be productive, then we are going to learn to
give our bodies the much-needed break. What we do with those breaks
is absolutely important.
One of the things that you can give the body is play. Play has a
way of stretching the body and conditioning it for productivity.
When we engage in physical...
Feb 27, 2020
What comes naturally is sometimes despised and we want to
replace it with the artificial. Familiarity breeds contempt. There
are very many simple, natural buy powerful things that we take for
Once such a thing is sleep. We know how many hours it is
recommended for us to sleep. This is simply so that we can...
Feb 26, 2020
We wrongly think that annual leave and weekends are enough for
us to recover. That would be the case if all factors remained
However, our workload is increasing daily. Our stress on commute
each morning and evening is reaching sky high. That is why we
cannot be waiting for our annual leave in order to gain...
Feb 25, 2020
The command to work is as authoritative and as applicable as the
command to rest. Sadly, we seldom take the command to rest
The more we keep working, the more we get tired, stressed and worn
out. We, of course, need to keep working in order to stay
For that to happen, we have to find ways that we...