Jul 31, 2020
We live our lives at times for the moment. Thinking about our lunches and bills. We repeat this for years until we stare at death right in the face. We have been avoiding it all the while, ignoring it even. Now it becomes a reality.
That's when we discover the gems of life that have gone by. That's when we realize that...
Jul 30, 2020
Death has so much finality that we tiptoe through life trying to evade it. But when each one faces themselves on their death bed or when they have a brush with it, what comes to their mind is something pure, something deep and something worth listening to.
That is why we strive so much to listen to a dying man or...
Jul 29, 2020
You can "mirror" a major brand that is doing what you want to do in the market, or that has opened your eyes to see how things can be done, how things could be better.
Not all the information you have is yours. Not all of us will be successful by deploying only our original ideas and information. We do need from time to...
Jul 28, 2020
How do you obtain information from a market leader that you can use to better your own brand? These are things that are done every day in business.
At times, people simply ask and get it. At times, some just look, study and research. When Apple launched the IOS operating system from smartphones, it wasn't long before...
Jul 27, 2020
It is instructive that when you mirror what a market leader is doing, you tend to grow your brand in return. There will always be someone doing something better than you are.
We have learnt that you do not have to plagiarise, copy and paste their work. At times we seek people doing this thinking that it is a short...