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The Life Purpose Podcast on Life Signatures Radio

Apr 30, 2021

🎉 New #Podcast! 

Today is the biggest blessing we have. Counting our blessings one by one, we talk of our material possessions but seldom do we mention the day as a blessing.

It is in this day that we can be productive and allow the blessing of time to help us create things and transform lives. Here is what we can do...

Apr 30, 2021

New #Podcast! 686. This is One Powerful Tool Of Productivity For The Day. Guess What it is

To be productive, we need to find one thing that we can lock our focus on and repeat the process daily. When you are charged for a professional course, the charges can be so steep.

However, when you put aside some time daily to...

Apr 28, 2021

🎉 New #Podcast! 

We have quoted Steve Jobs a lot. Perhaps one of the most surreal words he ever spoke were at the commencement speech at Stanford. He talked about death itself.

We psychologically insulate ourselves daily from death, thinking that it is for someone else, until such a time when 'we are it'. That's when...

Apr 27, 2021

🎉 New #Podcast!

The most forgotten thing daily is the day. The most critical resource we have is today. In this day, we have the time necessary to directly or, if not possible, indirectly do something that will impact our lives.

The purpose of the day is productivity. We err when we think that tomorrow will be a...

682. The Top Ten Reasons Why People Do Not Maximize Their Potential

Apr 26, 2021

🎉 New #Podcast!

One of the greatest treasure troves we have as humans is our potential. It is that resource that is inside of us. The possibility to be great, to do great and to impact greatly is not outside of us. All along, it is inside of us.

However, time and time again, we go looking for that which is outside of...