Sep 30, 2024
🚨 New #Podcast Alert! 🚨
There's an argument these days about religion and spirituality. Whereas religion is all about the antics we humans do to try to get to God, spirituality is more about our make up. We are, in my humble submission, spirit. We precede our physical appearance on earth, and we exceed it too. In...
Sep 29, 2024
🚨 New Podcast Alert! 🚨
There are different types of blockades thar operate in our lives. The mental blockade is by far the most powerful of them all. If we do not know how to deal with it, we end up limited in our lives, not achieving what we could or what is possible for us. Listen to...
Sep 28, 2024
🚨 New Podcast Alert! 🚨
The battlefield of the mind is one place that has victims the world over every waking day. The people who are passive in this battle get jabbed and have mental blockades installed in them. One powerful thing we can do is to use inspiration in this battlefield. This is so much needed, even...
Sep 27, 2024
🚨 New Podcast Alert! 🚨
The mind is a powerful tool. Even though it might seem like it reigns supreme over all other faculties in our lives, it is in fact, positively affected by other faculties as well as the environment around us. To cure a mental blockade, at times instead of focusing on the mind, focus on other...
Sep 26, 2024
🚨 New Podcast Alert! 🚨
It is one thing to interrupt the negative thoughts in our minds from installing mental blockades against us, and it is quite another to install a positive mindset. This is more than just affirmations, these are incantations. Sounds dark religion, but it is powerful stuff to help us in our...