Feb 29, 2024
📢 New #Podcast!!
As already stated, one of our biggest enemies in life is feelings of self-deficiency. With this, even if we have been called, we will not succeed as long as it is still in operation. One of the manifestations of self-deficiency is self-doubt. Listen to this.
Feb 28, 2024
📢 New #Podcast!!
Self-deficiency is an insidious force that has the ability of stopping us from attaining our greatness. It doesn't discriminate. As long as you are a human being, you are susceptible to this. However, there is one great mistake we make with it. Listen to this.
Feb 27, 2024
📢 New #Podcast!!
We have already established how Self-Deficiency is an insidious enemy that needs to be overcome not once but many times. For us to get there, we need to understand the inner workings of self-deficiency-and we are the culprits. Listen to this.
Feb 26, 2024
📢 New #Podcast!!
The ancient African saying instructs us that if the enemy within is overcome, the enemy outside can do us no harm. Very instructive. One of the biggest enemies within is that enemy called 'Self-Deficiency'. It is a very insidious enemy that no man born of a woman is exempt from it. Listen to this.
Feb 25, 2024
📢 New #Podcast!!
The most sinister thing about our productivity is that we can claim to be at work, report, clock in and out but we are not really working. Staggering statistics show us that 68% of employees are disengaged. Here are 8 ways that help us not to work while at work.